Our Engineering and Technical team focus on managing our electricity assets, planning for the developments in the region, industry and the environment, ensuring our network can sustain future demand.
Today most of the UK's heating and transport comes from coal, gas or oil. Within the next decade much of that will shift to renewable electrical energy, which means that our network will have to deliver two to three times more power to our customers. Our challenge is to develop innovative ways for the network to deliver twice the power more efficiently.
With so much change ahead for the power industry, planning for the future is critical. Our Future Networks team uses research, innovation and technology to improve how we manage our network. We're leading the industry in a number of research areas, and have received various funding awards. Read about them here.
Health, Safety and Environment
Our Health, Safety and Environment team focus on delivering exceptional performance in the management of the health, safety and environment risks and challenges Electricity North West face, and to ensure we maximise the opportunities to support the wellbeing of our people, and improve the environment in which we operate.