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We're committed to providing a high-quality service that exceeds our customers' expectations, today and in the future. Our goal is to adapt the way we deliver electricity as the energy industry evolves. As customers' first point of contact, our customer teams are friendly, efficient, available at all hours and aim to resolve enquiries quickly with accurate, up-to-date information.

We understand that the needs of a young family living in Preston will be different to those of a farmer in the Peak District. We also know that people want to approach us in different ways — so our service is delivered through a range of channels. We work hard to make sure everyone enjoys a reliable and efficient electricity supply and the best service possible.

We pride ourselves on always going the extra mile for our customers. We do this by constantly developing our services with the single vision of 'delighting our customers in everything that we do'.

Being part of this team gives you a truly varied insight into electricity distribution and allows you to interact with team members across the region combined with a wide selection of customers with many differing needs.

Meet some of our Customer Experience team below.

Caroline Batt - Customer Relations Team Manager Dan Haywards - Customer Relations Case Manager Kerry-Jane Warburton - Customer Services Advisor